جلسه سخنراني دومين سال‌گرد تاسيس رستوران …

جلسه سخنراني دومين سال‌گرد تاسيس رستوران …

Ùˆ اکنون سخنراني‌ي عضو برجسته‌ي هيات مديره، خانم … با عنوان: “تبيين ميدان کوانتومي‌ي ساندويچ‌هاي ژامبون Ùˆ ضدژامبون Ùˆ ارزش غذايي آن”.

6 thoughts on “جلسه سخنراني دومين سال‌گرد تاسيس رستوران …

  1. بگو ببينم Ú©Ù„Ú©… منظورت چيه؟… بعدش مي‌خواهي Ú†ÙŠ بگي؟… Ú†Ù‡ آسي مي‌خواهي رو کني؟

  2. Movement I
    I really liked the thorn words.
    When did you start writing online again? after “The Great Absence” ?

    Movement II (Official Comments)
    Can I give some comments on your so called “Anti Memoirs”? about the page? (The appearance) [Continues without waiting for the answer]
    Movable type’s default colours are all white. It is just like a monotone teacher in whose class you can’t help taking a nap.
    Even the dark dark dark template is not good for readers. I’m sure you know how to manage the colours.
    Also “taghiir e zabab” does not work in my computer here. I think there’s a problem.

    Movement III
    How was the rainy day with people of our school? I saw the pictures and enjoyed. Let’s say, how much I would enjoy if I were there physically too! [..is jealous but tries to hide it]

    P.S: P.S. I love you very much.

  3. خيلي ساده بلاگ شما براي من قابل تعريفه Ùˆ اون تعريفم عجيب غريبه !! 🙂

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