اختلاف طبقاتي و زايش ارزش‌ها

اختلاف طبقاتي و زايش ارزش‌ها

آدم‌ها ارزش‌هايي مي‌آفرينند، بعد ديگران آن ارزش‌ها را باور مي‌کنند، و در آخر تفاوت‌ها زاده مي‌شوند.

One thought on “اختلاف طبقاتي Ùˆ زايش ارزش‌ها

  1. i guess i feel like posting many comments to you today.
    you are a dictator! you are hitler! why didn’t you let anyone comment to the above post?
    you know what? you are cursed. many bloggers don’t like you 😉 . why? because! because you are in doubt about the rules of blogging and commenting. did i say you are hitler? i changed my mind. you are a silly galileo that doesn’t want to accept the rules.

    rule one: agree with them even if you believe their post is bullshit.
    rule two: narrow your view and make it easier for them to agree.

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